Click and hold the left mouse button to go up, release it to go down. Can you beat our record of 4104 ? Helicopter
Keep your bug alive by jumping obstacles and avoiding birds. Bug on a Wire
Paint all the white cells on the board as quickly as possible by moving the Troyis
Move and search the rooms, kill enemies by using detonator bombs, collect keys and items. Press 'z' to set/detonate bombs, 'm' to show/hide menu, 'space' to toggle options, and 'a' to check or to execute an action. Trapped 5
Use arrow keys to move around and collect all cogs. Avoid the guards at all costs ! Cognition
Everybody knows what is a Darts game ! Darts
The classic game. Place circles of same color consecutively in a row to make them disappear. Lines
Which worm will win the game? Choose your favourite and see if you were right. Worm Race
A puzzle game. You must make all these little men stand up at the same time. RayRay
Pick up patients with your ambulance and take them to hospital. Do it fast to save them ! Manic Medic
A casino craps game. Craps
Jump and fly as high as possible. The round faces you meet on your way pump you even higher. Angry Face
A beautiful and simple game. The sky is yours... Bird Flight
Citius, Altius, Fortius... How far can you throw him? Wedgie Toss